Thursday, September 15, 2005

Daily Readings For Your Radio Station

Here's the text of an email I've been sending to some of the Catholic Radio Stations and Networks I know of. Since we're using the Douay-Rheims version (which is in the Public Domain) I can continue to distribute the Podcast under a Creative Commons License, which allows others to use the material, free-of-charge.

If you know of a station which might be interested, please feel free to point them to this Weblog, or if you'd like you can get in touch with me by email and I'll contact them.

Let's get this program out to whoever wants it!

I've been producing an Internet Podcast of the Daily Catholic Scripture Readings since February of this year. The program is called "Verbum Domini" and you can learn more about it and hear some samples at the following URLs.
Podcast Feed:
I'm emailing to offer the audio files of each day's Readings for broadcast by your station, free-of-charge as a service to the community. You may already include a broadcast of the Daily Mass in your schedule, which of course includes the Readings as well. Many of my listeners (unfortunately) find it difficult to commit the time each day to Mass, and these short presentations of the Readings (usually ranging from 2:30 to 6 minutes) seem to be of benefit to them.
If you have an interest, please let me know and I'll provide instructions on how to download the MP3 audio files for each day. Let me assure you, once again, that I offer these free-of-charge and with no obligation on your part. Simply use them as you wish. My only desire is to encourage people to spend at least a little time with the Scriptures each day, and since I'm putting forth the effort to produce these anyway, they might as well get some use beyond the Podcast.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Best Wishes,
Brian Noe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you contacted Relevant Radio?

9:32 PM  
Blogger Noebie said...

So far, I've contacted Relevant, Covenant, and several others.


10:20 AM  
Blogger Noebie said...

i had no idea

thanks for the headsup edward!



4:03 PM  

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